Saturday, November 6, 2010

Russian Ark

Russian Ark is in itself a work of very unique art along with advertising the works of art with in the Russian Heritage Museum. The fact that the museum is not called the Russian Heritage Museum may just be coincidental with the filming of this movie, but I find it interesting because this movie goes through the past 200 years or so of Russian history or "heritage." I haven't had a chance to watch the whole movie yet, but I want to. I really want to get a good version of the movie so I don't have to watch the youtube version. But what I have seen of the movie so far the filming is very unique which was the major selling point for the movie. The art and galleries in the movie are also highlighting since they are filming in a museum. It kind of allowing for the viewer of the movie to see museums from a different light than the normal, almost stuffy everyday atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. I wish she would let us watch this in class. It would be so much easier to focus on a film like this in the classroom, and if it weren't on YouTube. The 10 minutes we already saw were really interesting and I bet the rest would be even better.

    Catherine H.
